Personal Social |
Career Development Education |
Academic College & Career Planning |
Objectives |
- Demonstrate knowledge, understanding, and personal awareness of their individual talents, interests, hopes, dreams, and passions.
- Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of career categories
- Demonstrate critical thinking and informed decision-making skills to match their skills and abilities to particular career interests
- Understand graduation requirements, MassCore requirements, AP options, and
early college options
- Create a 4-year course plan connected to identified career interests
- Understand the variety of post-secondary options
- Be able to write a personal post-secondary goal and career goal
MEFA Pathway Lesson Plans |
Activities |
- Register their account
- Create a profile and build a resume
- Explore hopes, dreams, strengths, and weaknesses with the Possible Selves unit
- Write a reflection about results (journaling)
- Introduce "work-based learning" such as job shadowing, volunteer work, and community service
- Upload culminating project
- Attend a career fair, listen to a guest speaker, and interview an individual in a career of interest
- Journal a reflection about a college fair and/or college tour