Who Needs an FSA ID?

If you’re filing the FAFSA, you’ll need to have an FSA ID. All students will need to create an FSA ID, and for most traditional undergraduate students, at least one parent, possibly two, will need to create an FSA ID. Learn how to determine which parents should create an FSA ID in our short video. To learn more about financial aid, visit our College Financial Aid page.


 This year the process for filing your FAFSA has changed, including who needs to get an FSA ID, which is your username and password. So let's break it down. First, as in the past, all students need to get an FSA ID. Second, for most traditional undergraduates, parents will also need to get an FSA ID, but not necessarily all parents.

And this is what I want to talk about today. Let's look at parents who file taxes jointly or separately, as well as divorced or separated parents. For parents who file their taxes jointly, only one parent needs an FSA ID. For married parents or unmarried parents who live together, who filed their taxes separately or didn't file taxes at all, both parents need an FSA ID.

For divorced or separated parents, only the parent who has contributed more than 50 percent of the child's financial support over the past 12 months needs an FSA ID because that parent is the only parent required to include their financial information on the FAFSA. And finally, if the parent who does need to file the FAFSA has remarried, then their current spouse may also need an FSA ID.

Again, this is going to be based on whether or not they filed taxes jointly or individually. You can create an FSA ID by visiting studentaid.gov and clicking on Create Account.

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