Learn how to report scholarships to a college and how to fit scholarships into your financial aid. …
Julie Shields-Rutyna
Questions include how does the process work with twins, how do you report disability income, how do I list more than 20 colleges, and can I report debt…
Meredith Clement
Websites include StudentAid.gov, fafsa.gov, StudentAid.gov/fsa-id, and MyEDDebt.ed.gov.…
Meredith Clement
You can still find another part-time job on campus, and you can also search for off-campus employment, which may allow you to work outside the academic year and pay better. …
Lauren Danz
Questions include how to submit the FAFSA to more than 20 schools, where to list retirement accounts, and when the deadline to use IDOC is.…
Meredith Clement
Learn how to get you tax transcripts both online and by mail and how to submit them to the financial aid office. …
Meredith Clement
We provide tips on applying, qualifying, and searching for scholarships and grants. …
Lisa Rooney
Instructions are provided for how to complete the FAFSA if you've experienced a marital status change or a drop in income…
Jonathan Hughes
Questions include if you need to complete both the CSS Profile and the FAFSA, how to update your application, who completes the profile, and what is IDOC. …
Meredith Clement
Learn how to upload documents to IDOC, which documents should be uploaded, and where to find more information on IDOC. …
Meredith Clement
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