Tips include making a list of all federal loans borrowed, determining the monthly payment total. and setting a budget. …
By Meredith Clement    |
A student shares tips to pay off students loans fast, including living at home to save money, doubling your monthly payment, and returning any funds that aren't needed while in school. …
By Kevin Lilly, Ajea Stupart    |
A recent college graduate explains how Income-Driven Loan Repayment works, including how to apply.…
By Lauren Danz    |
Reasons include freeing up more cash every month, paying one loan payment versus multiple, lowering your interest rate, and/or removing your co-borrower from your loans.…
By Christina Davidson    |
With MEFA REFI, you have a choice on interest rate type, all education loans are eligible, a co-borrower may help you receive a lower interest rate, you can save even more by repaying early, and there are absolutely no fees.…
By Lisa Rooney    |
Whether you're a current college student, a fresh new grad, or a seasoned professional, it's important to make smart choices in handling your finances, including your student loan repayment.…
By Meredith Clement    |
With a MEFA REFI Loan, borrowers can refinance any eligible federal or private college loan, stay better organized with just one simple loan payment, and free up additional cash each month. …
By Lisa Rooney    |
Options include the Graduated Repayment Plan, Extended Repayment Plan, Income-Contingent Repayment Plan (ICR), Income-Based Repayment Plan (IBR), Pay As You Earn Repayment Plan (PAYE), Revised Pay As You Earn Repayment Plan (REPAYE), and Income-Sensitive Repayment Plan. …
By Jonathan Hughes    |
Learn what a loan servicer is and how you can communicate with them. …
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The purpose of this blog is to inform these new graduates on the importance and purpose of their student loan "Grace Status" and student loan repayment.…
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