Careers include Software Development, Information Systems, Data Science and Business Analytics, Cybersecurity, and Technical Support.…
Orquidia Montero

Learn about average salary, job tasks, required education, and how to get a license to practice.…
Orquidia Montero

See what the requirements are, what the application process is, and tips on how to strengthen your application.…
Orquidia Montero

Learn about apprenticeships, a paid educational program where workers earn money while learning a new skill or trade, including who provides them, what careers they are available within, and what costs are associated with them. …
Jonathan Hughes

Learn about enhancements made to features within MEFA Pathway, including Careers, My Resume, the College Cost Calculator, and the Course Planner. …
Ajea Stupart

Within MEFA Pathway, students can take a skills assessments and use the results to build a resume and explore potential future careers that their skills would be a good match for.…
Jennifer Bento-Pinyoun

Learn about options for college students considering a different path, including taking a career assessment to find a field of interest, gaining a trade certification from a community college, and taking a gap year.…
Jan Marie Combs

Learn about work-based learning, why it benefits students, how it connects the classroom to real world situations, and how students can utilize work-based learning within MEFA Pathway. …
Geymi Santana, Ajea Stupart

The Get to Know Yourself feature allows students to learn more about themselves by identifying their interests, values, and skills and the Investigate Your Future feature allows students to learn about top trending skills and occupations, projected growth of careers, and more.…
Jennifer Bento-Pinyoun

Features include a Course Planner, an SAI Calculator, and an Internships section. …
Jennifer Bento-Pinyoun
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