Comparing College Loan Options
There's a lot to consider when borrowing a loan to pay for college. This webinar help you differentiate among college loan options and better understand the true cost of borrowing.
How Can I Improve my Credit Score?
If you want to improve your credit score, there are steps you can take.
How Your Credit Report Affects College Loan Options
When it comes time to pay for college, you may find that your family needs to borrow additional student loans above and beyond the federal loan program. That’s why it’s important to focus on strengthening your credit now to prepare for financing future college costs.
Life After College: Student Loan Repayment Options

MEFA Chief Financial Officer Jim Leighton explains the various repayment options for MEFA loans, how MEFA prepares borrowers for repayment, and how families can best prepare their budget for college expenses. Learn where to find a student loan to pay for college, how much to borrow, and what to consider when selecting the loan. For information about MEFA's college loans, visit our Loans Page.
Tips for Choosing a Loan to Pay for College

Learn where to find a loan to pay for college, how much to borrow, and what to consider when selecting the loan. For information about MEFA's college loans, visit our Loans Page.
Managing Student Loan Repayment for Graduating College Seniors
It's important to stay on track with repayment of your student loans. This webinar provides guidance for creating a budget, information on maintaining good credit, a smart plan for student loan repayment, and helpful websites.