College Planning for Middle School Families
If you have a child in middle school, now is the perfect time to start thinking about college (it's never too early!). This webinar covers the many reasons to attend college, how to prepare academically, the basics of college cost and financial aid, and different ways to save. Download the webinar slides to follow along.
The Benefits of Starting to Save for College Early

It's never too late to start saving for college, but there are also significant benefits to starting your college savings plan early on in your child's life. We explain why, and share some easy strategies for saving, in this short webinar.
Advice for Middle Schoolers when Preparing for College

Learn tips for middle school students who want to be thinking about college, like staying engaged in their schoolwork and talking with teachers and family members. On the financial side, middle schoolers and their families can also begin to put money away for college.
Setting up Yourself to Get Accepted into College With Extracurricular Activities

Academics matter, especially when students are in middle school, as it's the time when students can set themselves up well for high school. Hear about how students in middle school should spend some time thinking about what classes and subjects they enjoy and what extracurricular activities they want to get involved in during high school so they're better prepared to succeed in high school and beyond.
The Value of Saving for College in Middle School

Hear how families with middle school students can be more motivated to save for college. For example, studies have shown that children who know that money is being put away for their college education are much more likely to attend college and graduate. It also helps to teach middle school students the value of saving when they are younger.
Common Myths about Preparing for College in Middle School

At some point, you're going to be confronted with a college bill, so it's never too early to start saving. Hear why it's important to save as early as possible, as anything you save will help lessen the borrowing down the road.
Cultivating a Student’s Academic Interest

There's a lot to think about when you and your child are deciding on a college. Learn helpful insights into how you can cultivate your child's interests, and the importance of focusing on what's going to give your child the best chance to succeed.
When to Start Thinking about College

If you're a family with children in middle school, learn about how you can make the college search part of everyday life. Students can begin to envision themselves on a college campus and get in the college mindset by visiting different campuses and talking about the process of planning and saving for college with their family.
The Path to College Starts in Middle School

Learn more about MEFA emails, which are catered to the ages of the children within each family and include information relevant to each family's life stage. Also hear about our website,, which includes information on saving for college, high school academics, applying for college, and applying for financial aid.
College Planning Timetable for Families in Middle School

Did you know that MEFA has a valuable email curriculum for families of all life stages? For families in middle school, MEFA sends key information all about high school academics and how to begin (or continue) to save for college. MEFA is both proactive and reactive to give you the information you need when it comes to college planning and saving. Sign up for MEFA emails here.