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Discover & Explore Careers with MEFA Pathway
Learn how to explore career options in MEFA Pathway, our free college and career planning online portal. Students can use the results of skills and interest assessments to learn of careers that might fit them best, while also filtering by desired education level and/or career category. By starting to build a list of potential occupations, students can choose high school courses to prepare them for a particular path.
Learn About Yourself with MEFA Pathway
Learn how the interests and values inventories in MEFA Pathway, MEFA’s free college and career planning portal, can help students discover which careers may fit them best. In addition, find out how students can start a careers list based upon criteria specific to them.
Get to Know MEFA Pathway's High School Features
MEFA Pathway Your Plan for the Future provides a fun, engaging environment where students in grades 6-12 can plan for academic and career success. This webinar provides a walk-through of the resource's website,, to demonstrate the many tools, activities, and resources available to help students prepare for their future.
Build a Digital Portfolio in MEFA Pathway
Students can assess trends, differences, and growth as they build their Digital Portfolio in MEFA Pathway.
Introduction to MEFA Pathway's Student Features & Counselor Tools

MEFA Pathway provides a fun, engaging environment where students in grades 6-12 can plan for academic and career success. This webinar for school counselors provides a walk-through of the site to learn the many tools, activities, and resources available to help students prepare for their future along with an overview of the features available to you, school counselors, as you guide your students.
Learn About the Course Planner in MEFA Pathway

Learn how to use the Course Planner to choose the right courses to achieve your academic goals and meet graduation requirements.