The Value of Saving for College in Middle School

Hear how families with middle school students can be more motivated to save for college. For example, studies have shown that children who know that money is being put away for their college education are much more likely to attend college and graduate. It also helps to teach middle school students the value of saving when they are younger.
Common Myths about Planning & Saving for College

Every dollar saved will give your family options down the road when it comes time to pay for college. Hear common misconceptions about college savings for families with middle school students.
Is There a Deadline for Saving for College?

Learn why it's never too late to start saving for college.
Will Saving for College Affect My Student's Eligibility for Financial Aid?

Learn how your college savings fund affects your student's eligibility for financial aid.
Save for Tomorrow, Starting Today

Saving for college may seem like an overwhelming task. But with MEFA's help, you can do it — little by little. Hear from other families in Massachusetts who have turned the dream of a college education into reality.
The U.Plan Made Simple
It doesn't take long to learn how the U.Plan works. This easy-to-understand two-minute video is a great place to start. And then visit our U.Plan page to set up an account and begin saving.
How the U.Plan Prepaid Tuition Program helped Richard save for college

Hear how one Massachusetts father used the U.Plan Prepaid Tuition Program, offered by the Massachusetts Educational Financing Authority (MEFA), to help save for four years of college and lock in current rates on tuition and fees.
How the U.Plan Prepaid Tuition Program helped Alan save for college

Hear how one father in Massachusetts used the U.Plan Prepaid Tuition Program, offered by the Massachusetts Educational Financing Authority (MEFA), to save significantly for college costs.
Making a Distribution From Your U.Plan Account
You can use the funds from your U.Plan Prepaid Tuition Program account to pay for tuition and mandatory fees at any one of the plan's participating colleges and universities in Massachusetts. Or you can cash out the funds to use elsewhere. This video walks you through the steps of how to access your savings when it comes time to pay the college bill.
Save Money on Community College with MassTransfer
Are you considering community college? It’s not too late to get in for Fall 2023! In this webinar, learn how you can use the free college and career planning website MEFA Pathway to find the perfect community college for you in Massachusetts. Learn how to save on the cost by using the MassTransfer program.