O processo de pesquisa e inscrição em uma faculdade pode ser intenso. Este webinário ajudará você a definir um roteiro de admissão personalizado, abordando temas como tendências atuais da admissão em ensino superior, criando uma lista equilibrada de faculdades e dos diferentes componentes da inscrição em uma faculdade, inclusive históricos escolares, redações e cartas de recomendação.
This webinar is for individuals who have saved in the U.Plan and who are getting ready to use their funds. We address questions such as “How does the U.Plan affect financial aid?,” “When can I request my U.Plan funds and when will they be paid to the college?,” “How do I calculate the U.Plan payment?,” and more. There will also be information on the available options if your child isn’t attending a U.Plan participating college.
This webinar is for parents with children of all ages and describes information and resources that families can use to put a college savings plan in place. We answer questions such as: Why and how much should I save for college? When and how should I start? What is the best way to save? How will saving affect college financial aid? Watch to learn how to prepare best for college costs. Download the webinar slides to follow along.
This webinar is for students and parents who want to learn about MassTransfer, an initiative that helps students save money on college costs when they begin their postsecondary education at a community college. Attendees hear from Arthur Esposito, Director of Academic Policy & Student Success at the MA Department of Higher Education, who walk through the benefits, estimated savings, and requirements of MassTransfer, explain how to get started, and describe some challenges for each program.
School Counselors, are you using MEFA Pathway with your students? If so, make sure to take advantage of the Course Planner. The Course Planner allows you to create a customized course catalog and set up graduation paths specific to the programs of study that your school offers. To get started updating the Course Planner, log in to the Counselor Portal at mefapathway.org
This webinar is for school counselors helping families and students with filing, fixing, or updating their FAFSA. Many families have already submitted their FAFSA but have experienced issues or technical bugs. Families all over the Commonwealth need help in the weeks ahead at FAFSA filing events and individual meetings and calls. This webinar starts off with a presentation on the latest guidance for correcting and updating the FAFSA followed by a Q&A and discussion about how we can help students in Massachusetts get over the finish line filing their FAFSA ahead of deadlines.
Your Student Aid Index, also known as your SAI, is a number colleges use to determine your eligibility for financial aid. MEFA’s SAI Calculator allows you to type in information about your family's finances and receive an estimate of your SAI. Our video provides a quick tutorial on how to use the calculator.
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