The MEFA Institute<sup>™</sup>:  Transition from Middle to High School with MEFA Pathway 2022
In this webinar for school counselors and college access professionals, learn how MEFA Pathway, MEFA’s free college and career planning portal, can help students plan for academic and career success in the transition from middle school to high school.
Create and Update a Resume with MEFA Pathway
Learn how students in grades 6-12 can use the My Resume feature in MEFA Pathway to record all of the activities they are participating in, both in and out of school, and apply these details to create a resume.
Ask an Expert All Your CSS Profile Questions
It’s time to apply for financial aid, and that means completing the FAFSA and (sometimes) the CSS Profile. Join us for a Q&A webinar about the CSS Profile with expert financial aid administrator Mike Goodwin, Assistant Director of Student Financial Services at Williams College. If you haven’t started completing the form, it may be best to start before this webinar so you can bring your specific questions.